Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get started?

To get started, simply enter a destination you would like to travel to. We’ll show you a comprehensive listing of available properties for you to choose from.

Can you do an advanced search?

You can narrow your results by specifying criteria such as preferred travel dates, price range, amenities and facilities, specific location, number of travelers, smoking restrictions, and a host of other criteria.

Information on the listing?

You can click on a listing to read reviews left by other travelers, or learn more about the property from its detailed listing description. If you’re checking out several places, you can add an accommodation to your favorites to easily come back to it later.

Host listing? makes it simple for hosts to list their offers. We give you a user-friendly and intuitive interface to list your property and start receiving bookings within minutes. Simply tell us a bit about the space and how much you’re going to charge, and we’ll take it from there.

Host policies?

You can specify your own policies to ensure travelers are aware of your house rules and restrictions, well before they arrive. Make sure to take professional-quality photographs of your place to attract more guests!  


As soon as your property is listed, it will be available to all our users. If a user books your place, we’ll let you know right away and send your payment as soon as you welcome your guest. Now that’s how you turn an asset into a cash stream!